Images I took for the travel write-up, stories for Kerala Tourism, Air Lanka, Indonesian Tourism Board. A picture tells a thousand stories. And in journalism, we are taught that besides the write-up, photos supplement the story with a story of its own. These are just some of the hundreds of photo stories. I explore Kerala on four occasions following the footsteps of the 14th Century Muslim Explorer, Ibnu Batuta.
My most memorable moment climbing Sigiriya also known as the Lion Rock or Sinhala and Dambulla, Caves of the thousand Buddha.
My write up on the instant orphans from the devastating Tsunami ended with me hugging a boy I interviewed named Azahari, the only survivor of his family. He finally opened up and was bursting with tears as he described those tragic moments. His final words that ended up with both of us in tears, "I don't even have a picture of my dad and mum, how can I live without...". This was in collaboration with Mercy Relief.
Covering the post Tsunami under SPH with the collaboration of Singapore International Foundation. The instant orphans and myself slept under make shift tents, under heavy rain after a few nights we were transferred to a holding school. There, we slept on cold cemented floors, only some got to sleep on thin mattresses from kind hearted donors. The food was just plain rice, scooped from pails and vegetables. But then we were thankful. Stories were abundant but I chose to be with these traumatized children. We are all vulnerable, we are all God's children.